Staying Positive During Covid-19

2020, am I right?!? The Covid-19 pandemic has challenged us in ways we never imagined. From the way we work, shop, eat, gather and even attend school. These rapid changes and uncertain times can seem extremely overwhelming and stressful.

Although it seems almost impossible to imagine a world without masks or social distancing, remember that this difficult time is not forever, it will pass!

In a recent poll, 53% of adults in the United States reported the pandemic had negatively impacted their mental health. Many of these adults reported complications such as difficulty sleeping, eating, increased alcohol consumption and worsening chronic health problems. For all of these reasons, it’s important to learn self-care strategies and get the care you need to help you cope. Here are a few tips to help you stay on track and help you stay positive!

Exercise and Sleep Well
Physical activity can be extremely tricky as most gyms are closed or at limited occupancy, but you can move anywhere! Take a nature walk outside, download an exercise app, join an online workout class, maybe even an impromptu dance party at home! Regular physical activity can help reduce stress, anxiety and improve your mood. Also, remember to get enough sleep and try and stay consistent with the time you go to bed and the time you wake up. Sticking with a schedule will help give you a sense of routine despite all of the changes we are experiencing.

Reconnect with family and friends virtually
Being in quarantine has reminded us of what matters most and who matters most. If you are not able to work at an office or with others you may be experiencing some loneliness. Make time each week to text, call, email or facetime family and friends. Keep in mind they are probably going through the same emotions as you so the connection can be positive for both of you.

Limit your media intake
Of course, we should be informed but the constant stream of developing information can be detrimental to our mental health. Now that we have less time commuting or going out for activities it can be easy to redirect that time to your screen. Exercising moderation and setting reasonable limits on media consumption can help protect us from this threat. Switch off your TV and read a book, exercise, talk to your family members, do a puzzle or crafts, mediate or workout, bake, or play board games. Your body and mind will thank you.

Learn Something New
Gone are the days we say “If I had more time, I would learn that.” Look on the Brightside of being home and take advantage of the additional time you have, learn something new! This can be anything from knitting or sewing to a new skill like website design or cooking techniques. Check out this fun website by the LA Times for 50 Life Skills you can learn online for free HERE

Practicing Gratitude
Every morning when you wake up incorporate thinking about or writing down 3 things you are grateful for. By focusing on what you are thankful for, you realize what has value or meaning to you. Studies also suggest gratitude can help with our stress levels and boost our immune systems. Remember, practicing gratitude is just that, practicing- you need to incorporate this daily. Now, more than ever we realize that life is precious so take a few minutes to appreciate each moment, your loved ones and your life!

In closing, stay safe, stay strong and remember that we are all in this together!


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